
Fatima var profeten Muhammeds femte og yngste datter. Ifølge en tradisjon er Fatima den eneste av Muhammeds barn som fikk egne barn. Hun blir ansett for å ha vært gudfryktig og ydmyk og regnes som syndfri. Fatima er ett forbilde for mange muslimer, særlig kvinner. Hun omtales som "den strålende Fatima" og "legemliggjørelsen av alt det guddommelige i den kvinnelige natur, det edleste ideal som den menneskelige tanke har oppnådd".
For meg representerer Fatimas hånd kjærlighet, styrke og respekt..


Velkommen inn:)

Velkommen inn:)

fredag 20. april 2012

Marrakech wishlist

Jeg har allerede begynt å få "Marokko abstinenser", det er altfor lenge siden jeg har vært der nå!!! I den forbindelse vurderer jeg seriøst å leie en container neste gang jeg reiser for å få med så mange skatter som mulig:) Jeg leker allerede med tanken på hva jeg skal kjøpe, og her er en foreløpig "Marrakech ønskeliste":

I`m already longing like crazy for Morocco, it`s been TOOOOO long since my last trip, have to go back very soon! I think I`m going to rent a container so I can bring back lots of moroccan treasures:) I`ve already got a small idea of what I`ll be bringing, so here`s my "Marrakech wishlist":

I love this table and the white lamp in the background!! I might be "crazy" and go for white tables for my purple, moroccan guestroom, but the lamp would be great in gold or dark brown

I love the "star" lamp and also the lamps standing on the floor. These I would absolutely buy plenty of, for my outdoor space, in dark brown

I LOVE the gold lamps on the floor, need at least one of these, and would be great with the same lamp as the one hanging on the wall, but in gold

Again, a beautiful "star lamp", just have to figure out where to hang it;)

These doors are just AMAZING!!! I would like the same pattern but as a window screen in my livingroom

If not possible, I will be able to settle for this one;)

I love the gold lamp in the middle, need more moroccan floor lamps:)

I would like 2 pendant lamps similar to these for my entrance. I need more light in that room so it would be perfect with clear glass combined with a black/dark brown "frame"

And then I`ll just have to make a garage sale for the moroccan lamps I already have but haven`t got a place to put:))

mandag 16. april 2012

My moroccan delight

Jeg kjøpte ett par rammer i Marrakech for ett par år siden og har endelig fått somlet meg til å male den første og sette inn glass. Jeg ELSKER formen på den, den ser ut som en typisk marokkansk dør, skikkelig 1001-natt:) Jeg er fremdeles litt usikker på hvor jeg skal ha det og prøver meg frem. Jeg synes den er veldig fin bak mitt marokkanske mosaikk bord og liker at gjenskinnet fra tapeten på motsatt vegg gir kul effekt i speilet. Jeg skal uansett få hengt det høyere på veggen slik at hele den fantastiske rammen kommer til sin rett. Hva synes du?

I bought a couple of frames in Marrakech a couple of years ago and have finally found the time to paint and put a mirror in the first one. I LOVE the shape of it, very moroccan and "1001-night":) I still haven`t decided exactly where to put it but I think it looks great behind my moroccan mosaic table. It`s also quite nice to see the wallpaper on the opposite wall reflect in the mirror. I will put the mirror higher on the wall though so I get to see the whole frame as it is truly beautiful. What do you think?

Hello Morocco:)
                                                             The mirror, it`s approx 1,80m high
This moroccan table was the first moroccan interior piece I bought in 1996 while living in France:)
Moroccan style+bling bling= MY STYLE :)

fredag 13. april 2012

Beautiful window

Ahhhh how I would LOVE to have a window like this!! On my next trip to Morocco I will for sure order a similar one!!:)

onsdag 11. april 2012


I just LOVE my door hammer (if that`s the right name..?) that I bought in Morocco last summer.
I painted the entrance door black and with Fatimas hand wishing everybody welcome, it couldn`t be more perfect;)

tirsdag 10. april 2012


Tenkte at jeg skulle poste noen bilder av de 2 andre soverommene som jeg har malt med maling fra "Pure&Original". I det første rommet har jeg brukt en matt maling som får en slags betong look, i lilla:) Det andre rommet er malt med "Marrakech" malingen (som også er vannfast og kan brukes på bad), fargen er en nydelig brun/lilla farge. Rommene er ellers ikke helt ferdige, men dere får hvertfall ett inntrykk...

I just wanted to post a couple of pictures of the 2 other bedrooms in my house. I`ve painted them both with painting from "Pure&Original", which I really love. In the first bedroom I`ve used a painting that gives a "concrete" look in purple color. The other one is painted in "Marrakech" (which is also water proof ), it lookes like real tadelakt and the color is brown/purple. I`m still not finished decorating the rooms but at least you`ll have an idea what it will look like...

mandag 2. april 2012

More rosegold:)

I`m still hopelessly, desperatly in love with rose gold!! I do have 2 rose gold watches and a couple of rings now but I`m still (almost) dying for these watches and rings!! If I were to win the BIG lottery tomorrow, I would RUN to the store and shop the Rolex Daytona rose gold watch along with a beautiful, ethnic rose gold ring with champagne diamonds. As you may understand, I`m really good at dreaming;) Which ring is YOUR favorite??
Happy easter everybody!

søndag 1. april 2012

Bracelets with hamsa charms

I`m in love with hamsa charms (also called Fatimas hand) and found a great place to buy really beautiful, handmade bracelets. They are not even expensive and I`m SO looking forward to the getting ones I purchased:) You should check out : Anaos good jewelry on etsy.com for a really good bargain.
Happy easter everyone!!