Da har jeg vært på en liten roadtrip med mine kjære og for en gangs skyld ble det en reise i mitt eget land:) Turen gikk til Rondane med en svipptur innom Hamar og det var aldeles nydelig med stillhet, natur og fantastisk deilig fjell luft! Jeg fikk noen utrolig deilige turer med bikkjene og fikk ladet batteriene på best mulig måte:)
I`ve been on a roadtrip with my loved ones, and for once I didn`t travel abroad, but in beautiful Norway:) We went to the mountains called Rondane and also made a short stop in Hamar where we have a house. It was absolutely wonderful and I really enjoyed the silence, nature and the fantastic fresh air in the mountain! I had some nice walks to the tops with the dogs and got lots of good energy:)
I`ve been on a roadtrip with my loved ones, and for once I didn`t travel abroad, but in beautiful Norway:) We went to the mountains called Rondane and also made a short stop in Hamar where we have a house. It was absolutely wonderful and I really enjoyed the silence, nature and the fantastic fresh air in the mountain! I had some nice walks to the tops with the dogs and got lots of good energy:)
Oslo/Malmøya before departure, no wonder I love my town!!!:)
Beautiful Rondane
Alex on the run
A bit windy
Enjoying life
Haukliseter Rondane
Partners in crime..
The dogs on the way to the top
An exotic, caribbean mountain goat...;)
At the top and ready for some fooooooood:)
Lucky for the first time in norwegian mountains and Alex behind
Alex at the top
Hamar by night:)
Our beautiful house by the lake in Hamar
Nå ble jeg misunnelig!!! Herlig ;-)