Forrige helg var ganske "busy". Etter å ha sett flere bilder av "meat trade" hundene i Thailand bestemte jeg meg for å prøve å hjelpe en til ut av helvete. Jeg kan ikke adoptere all verdens hunder selv (dessverre) så jeg trengte ett hjem til den da alle kenneler og fosterhjem i Bangkok er fulle. Det er utrolig hvor mange flotte mennesker som finnes, og en halvtime etterat jeg begynte å lete hadde jeg funnet ett hjem, hos en dame som jeg ikke kjente men som driver "International street dog foundation" i USA. UTROLIG! Så i siste liten fikk jeg sendt melding om at hunden kunne tas ut av det kommunale kennel helvete, "kausjon" var betalt og jeg var lykkelig som bare det. Til min store sorg fant de ikke hunden, så jeg oversendte 5 andre bilder av tilfeldige hunder og ba de ta med den de fant først. Så da ble det "Foxy Brown" sin lykkelige dag, denne er nå trygt tilbake i Bangkok men er dessverre meget syk. I mellomtiden begynte folk, stort sett ukjente, å engasjere seg og ville være med å hjelpe. I løpet av 3 dager har jeg da fått samlet inn 12 000kr som er nok for 2 hunder til å reise til statene til nye, gode hjem. En fantastisk følelse å hjelpe, men også å se hvor mange flotte mennesker som faktisk bryr seg. De reiser tilbake neste helg å leter etter "Trooper", den hunden som egentlig skulle reddes, om den er død eller ikke blir funnet blir ett annet liv reddet:) Om DU vil bidra er alle donasjoner velkomne, dess mer penger, dess fler kan vi redde! Man kan donere via paypal:, eller konto: 5063 10 58482. ETT LIV AV GANGEN!! :)
Last weekend was quite busy. After watching more pictures of the dogs from the "meat trade" in Thailand, I decided to try to help another one. I needed an adopter as I can`t take on all the dogs in the world (even if I would love to), and all fosters in Bangkok are full. 30 minutes after I posted a message on facebook a lady in the US, who runs "international street dog foundation" offered to find a home for my "chosen one":) It`s truly amazing how many good people that are out there!! So, I payed for his "pull" and sent a message that they could take him out of that horrific shelter and back to Bangkok. Unfortunatly the dog was nowhere to be found (half of them die of diseases in that hellhole shelter) so I sent a picture of 5 others and asked them to take the first one they found. So, they found k-222, now called "Foxy Brown", and got her safe:) She is back in Bangkok, sick but hopefully recovering soon as she has a great home waiting in Chicago. Meanwhile, people where following the drama on facebook and so many wanted to help me out that after only 3 days of fund raising, I have got enough money to save another one:) They will be going back to the shelter next weekend to search for "Trooper" (the one I originally wanted to save), and if he can`t be found, we`ll take another one. Amazing what people can do together!! If you want to donate to save a life from the meat trade you can do it by paypal: or account (only for norwegians): 5063 10 58482. ONE LIFE AT A TIME!! :)
Last weekend was quite busy. After watching more pictures of the dogs from the "meat trade" in Thailand, I decided to try to help another one. I needed an adopter as I can`t take on all the dogs in the world (even if I would love to), and all fosters in Bangkok are full. 30 minutes after I posted a message on facebook a lady in the US, who runs "international street dog foundation" offered to find a home for my "chosen one":) It`s truly amazing how many good people that are out there!! So, I payed for his "pull" and sent a message that they could take him out of that horrific shelter and back to Bangkok. Unfortunatly the dog was nowhere to be found (half of them die of diseases in that hellhole shelter) so I sent a picture of 5 others and asked them to take the first one they found. So, they found k-222, now called "Foxy Brown", and got her safe:) She is back in Bangkok, sick but hopefully recovering soon as she has a great home waiting in Chicago. Meanwhile, people where following the drama on facebook and so many wanted to help me out that after only 3 days of fund raising, I have got enough money to save another one:) They will be going back to the shelter next weekend to search for "Trooper" (the one I originally wanted to save), and if he can`t be found, we`ll take another one. Amazing what people can do together!! If you want to donate to save a life from the meat trade you can do it by paypal: or account (only for norwegians): 5063 10 58482. ONE LIFE AT A TIME!! :)
K-222 aka "Foxy Brown" is now safe in Bangkok but sick:(
Look at all these poor dogs!!!
K-202 aka "Trooper", the dog I originally wanted to get out
Where are you boy, got to find you!!
The shelter is over floating with dogs, please donate if you can so we can save another one..